Department of Computer Sciences,University of Wisconsin,Madison--威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校计算机科学系



  In the 21st century, computer science has a deep impact on all areas of life, and the job outlook for computer-science graduates remains exceptionally strong. In fact, analysis shows that the majority of growth within STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math) will be for careers involving computing. Whether you plan to earn a degree in computer science or simply complete some coursework to sharpen your skillset in another field of study, exposure to computer science is critical for today’ s students and working professionals.

  Here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Department of Computer Sciences (CS) offers a dynamic environment for study, research and professional growth. In 2014, the department celebrated its 50th anniversary. It is one of the oldest and most respected computer science departments in the United States, having begun in the early 1960s as the Department of Numerical Analysis and becoming the Department of Computer Sciences in 1964.

  Today, Wisconsin CS is recognized as having the world’ s leading research groups in computer architecture, database systems, distributed and grid computing, and nonlinear optimization. What’ s more, it provides an unbeatable learning environment for students at all levels, in all areas of computer science.