ICFTIC 2019 - 2019 International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer(ICFTIC 2019)


会议名称:ICFTIC 2019 - 2019 International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer(ICFTIC 2019)

2019年信息与计算机前沿技术国际学术会议(ICFTIC 2019)





具体地点:China Dalian






→ Call For Papers ​I. Algorithms 1.Bio-informatics 2.Data Mining 3.Data Encryption 4.Digital Library 5.Control Systems 6.Computing Ethics 7.Computer Vision 8.Computer Security 9.Computer Networks 10.Database Systems 11.Expert Systems 12.Neural Networks 13.Artificial Intelligence 14.Image Processing 15.Mobile Computing 16.Distributed Systems 17.System Security 18.Computer Games 19.Data Compression 20.Computer Modeling 21.Computer Animation 22.Information Retrieval II. Event Driven Programming 23.High Performance Computing 24.Human Computer Interaction 25.Information Systems 26.Internet and Web Applications 27.Knowledge Data Engineering 28.Computer Simulation 29.Programming Languages 30.Data Communications 31.Ubiquitous Computing 32.Robotics and Automation 33.Security & Cryptography 34.Biomedical Engineering 35.Compilers and Interpreters 36.Computational Intelligence 37.Computer Architecture & VLSI 38.Computer Based Education 39.Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality 40.Computer Graphics and Multimedia III. Digital Signal and Image Processing 41.Digital System and Logic Design 42.Distributed and Parallel Processing 43.E-commerce and E-governance 44.Computer Networks and Data Communication 45.Multimedia Applications 46.Natural Language Processing 47.Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing 48.Computing Practices & Applications 49.Parallel and Distributed Computing 50.Pattern Recognition Performance Evaluation 51.Automated Software Engineering 52.Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing 53.Reconfigurable Computing Systems 54.Software Engineering & CASE 55.Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems 56.Technology in Education 57.Technology Management 58.Theoretical Computer Science 59.Wireless Sensor Networks 60.Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing IV.Anonymity and privacy issues and measures to enhance them 61.New applications using or built on top of blockchains 62.Atomic Swapping Big Data and blockchain technology 63.Consensus protocols for blockchains 64.Formal Verification of Blockchain Protocols, Smart Contracts 65.Fraud detection and financial crime prevention Identity, Identification and trust in blockchain systems 66.Internet of things (IoT) and blockchain technology 67.Peer-to-peer networks 68.Permissioned and permissionless blockchains 69.Scalability and scalable services for blockchain systems 70.Security of Blockchain Protocols 71.Where does a blockchain makes sense